Saturday, July 30, 2011

Video Blog 2

Abstract Expressionism and Pop: Art of the '50s & '60s

1. I picked this video because it sounded interesting.

2. Key concepts are like Franz Kline said abstract art has a title but the title is there to warn you to not think about what the painting shows but to think and feel what the painting is. For abstract artist's it is hard to find where to stop in a piece of art work. Abstract is an experiment and the artist paint until they either just settle it to be done or they feel that they can't go any further with the piece of art work.

3. This video relates to the text because it gives more information on abstract pieces of art work then the book.

4. I liked this video. This video added depth because it expanded on abstract. It gave you a better understanding.

Andy Warhol: Images of an Image

1. I picked this video because Andy Warhol is interesting. I first saw his work in the Albright Knox Art Gallery and the painting was just a bunch of campbell soup cans and I was like what is this.

2. Key concepts of this video are Andy Warhol was a man of talent. He did silk screening, photographs, films, and self portraits. He worked for magazines and thats where he got is inspiration for his work. He would take pieces of adds and blow them up and make them into pieces of art. He didn't want his presence in his art work, his art work was depersonalized. He wanted you to see the actual object or the person for themselves.

3. This video relates to the reading because it expands on Andy Warhol's life and career as an artist.

4. I liked this film. It added  depth to understanding of the reading by explaining who Andy Warhol was and what was the meaning behind his art work, what was his purpose.

Video Blog 1

Dance at the Moulin de la Galette

1. I picked this video because the title sounded fun:)

2. Key concepts of this video was it was a moment in time when once a week working people gathered at the Moulin de la Galette for dancing, drinking, and flirting. It was an all around good time for the middle class people. It is an impressionist painting.

3. The video relates to the reading because it only gives you the same information as the book but it expanded more in the video and for some reason when I look at a painting on video to me it just makes me feel that painting even more.

4. I loved this video and I love the painting. The video added depth because it played music and you felt like you were in that era and you were in that painting.


1. I picked this video because I love expressionsim art work. I like to feel art work, I want it to speak to me.

2. The key concepts of this video is expressionism is any style where the artist's subjective feelings take precedence over objective observation. I loved Edvard Munch's painting "After the Fall". It was about a problematic relationship between a man and a women. They used the colors black, white, and red to symbolize sorrow, innocence, and passion. You really felt that. Edvard Munch believed works of art should have suffer and love in them.

3. The video relates to the reading because it shows a ton more expressionism pieces of art to give you more examples to help give you a better understanding.

4. I liked this video. I liked seeing all the different piece of art. It added depth to your understanding by talking about more artist's and there works of art.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Inspiration Images

I picked this image because I love Mardi Gras and these masks reminded me of that.

I picked this image because I wanted to do a mask that was simple but elegant. I also wanted to incorporate the picture below The Great Wave because I like the message of that painting.  This mask kind of gave me an idea how to incorporate what I wanted in my mask.

I picked this picture because it is about courage and perserverence. That is completely me. I go to school and work full-time and have a 5 year old so this picture is perfect. I wanted my mask to reflect who I am.

Thumb Nail Sketch

My Mask

The Principles and Elements of my mask are:

- Color - I wanted to represent The Great Wave so I made the biggest part of the mask which is the face light blue and I used white feathers for the waves but I also wanted to give it a Mardi Gras feel so I used some gold around the eyes and outlined the mask.

- Texture - The mask has a smooth texture to it and the feathers give it a light and hairy feel to it.

- Shape - The shape is oval like I would picture an ocean and the feathers give it that wave shape. The gold is just a bunch of fun shapes put together to give it that exotic Mardi Gras look.

-Variety - I wanted my mask to have a variety of things to it. I wanted to get the viewers attention but not overwhelm them.

Here is just all these pictures in the Photobucket Slideshow

Friday, July 22, 2011

Video Blog

African Art

1. I picked this video because after reading the text I was greatly interested in it.

2. Key concepts are that African art played a big role in the way people lived. It was part of there daily life, strong asthetic sense, and making of everyday utensils. Art also influenced the way they dressed, did there hair, danced, masks they wore, and the sounds they made. These were also part of there rituals. Everything they made was out of wood and straw. Africans also did a lot of rock art.

3. The videos related to the reading because it gave more visuals to what the book was saying which gave you a better understanding.

4. I liked the film. It went more into depth about African rock art.


1. I picked this video because I was intrigued in Buddhism.

2. Key concepts are that Buddhism began in India. Buddhism is about sharing in the enlightenment and wanted people to find there own way but wanted to guide and mentor people down there path of right living. Buddha was looked at as a saint, savor, and spirit. The Great Stupa at Sanchi is carved with the Buddha's life but the Buddha is never in the form of a man. He is only in forms of spirits.

3. The videos relate to the text by giving more visuals about what the book is talking about.

4. I liked this film. It goes into great depth about The Great Stupa and it is so next to see all the fine details in it.


1. I picked this video because I really do not know a lot about Hinduism.

2. Key concepts are Hinduism is exotic and mysterious. Varanasi is the most holy place of Hinduism. Hinduism believes in life, death, and rebirth. Also they have a great # of gods and goddesses. Hinduism does not focus on temples but they do on the details on them. It was neat to see Hinduism rituals for funerals. They decorate the body in tons of colors, dip it in water, and than burn it. By burning it the flames liberate the body and set the spirit free. It is nice in thought but to watch it is a little creepy I will say that. Hinduism is also big on rock art and cave art.

3. This video relates to the text because it gives visuals to what the text is talking about.

4. I liked this film. It added depth to my understanding a great deal. It talked about art and rituals.

The Great Wave (Japanese Art)

1. I picked this video because I have seen this art work and was intrigued by it.

2. Key concepts are The Great Wave is so popular. It is used everywhere in Japan on clothes, political cartoons, food, spray painted on walls, tattoos, and museums. Hokusai is very famous for his drawings, paintings, and prints. He was retired when his wife died and his son gambled all his money away so he then had to find away to make money. He created The Great Wave. It is an enormous wave over powering a boat full of people and Mount Fugi. It is neat to hear what everyone's interpretation is of this piece of art. One said it is like the climax scene of a movie, animalistic, and another said scary and unreal. I like what the Japanses interpretation is which is it is a symbol of courage and perserverance. The ore men need to speed it up and over power the wave. I like that. Thats what I interpret as well.

3. This video relates to the text because it gives you a visual of what the text is speaking of.

4. I think I liked this film the best. I thought it is just really an interesting piece of art and the picture and meaning are so powerful. It added depth to what Japan's art is about.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Gallery Visit #2

Questions about the exhibit:

1. What is the title of the exhibit?
- Videosphere
2. What is the theme of the exhibition?
-New Innovative Technology

Questions about the physical space:

1. What type of lighting is used?-The whole exhibt was dark and the only lighting they had came from the video screens.
2. What colors are used on the walls?
-The walls were all white.
3. What materials are used in the interior artchitecture of the space?
-The interior artchitecture is beautiful. They had marble floor and marble pillars throughout the whole exhibt.
4. How is the movement of the viewer through the gallery space?
-Moving through the whole exhibt I actually was kind of scared. It was really dark and cold. Art was in all these off to the side rooms with curtains and I just felt someone was going to jump out and scare me. There really was no flow to the rooms and the artwork.

Questions about the artwork:

1. How are the artworks organized?
- There really was no organization to the artwork. It just felt like it was randomly placed.
2. How are the artrworks similar?
-Well all the artworks were on video screens but everything on the video screens were very different. There really wasn't any similarity.
3. How are the artworks different?
- Each video screen had its own picture and its own message. Some artwork had music to it and some did not. Some video's looked like they it was out of a movie, some looked like someone just randomly took some snap shots, and others looked computer animated.
4. How are the artworks framed?
- All the videos were not really framed. It was video screens on white walls.
5. How are the artworks identified and labeled?
- There were labels on the walls but some were hard to see because it was dark  and they weren't next to the videos they were just kind of all over the place. You had to really look for them.
6. What is the proximity of the artwork to each other?
- They were very spaced out and there were dark and scary walk ways to get to the next one. It felt like I was in a haunted house.

1. Slide Three, Four, Five

Artist: Jay Rhee 
Title of work: Tear
Media: Four Channel Video Installation with Sound
Date: 2002

1.   Description – Four video screens, a piece of white material that goes through all four screens, and a person stepping and ripping the white material all the way through all four screens.  

2.   Formal analysis – Texture is used in the white material because it looks smooth, lines are used to outline the white material and make it stand out, balance because the white material goes through all four screens, and movement because the person is walking and it is shown by the fabric ripping behind her.

3.  Bracketing - For some reason this piece of atwork reminds me of a bride walking down the isle.

4.  Interpretation - I feel the artisit is trying to say marriage is tough and there are a lot of tares in it.

2. Slide Six, Seven, Eight

Artist: Julian Opie
Title of work: Julian and Suzanne Walking
Media: Computer Filmed and LCD Screen
Date: 2007

1.   Description – One screen that is divided to make it look like two screens. There are two white boxes with a female in one box and a male in the other box.

2.   Formal analysis – Lines are used to shape the white boxes and to divide them into two boxes, shapes are used to form the people, balance is used because there are two boxes and two people, movement is used because the people are walking.

3.  Bracketing - This piece of art reminds me of restroom signs.

4.  Interpretation - I feel the artisit is trying to say that a man and a female can switch places and walk in each other shoes.
3. Slide Nine, Ten

Artist: Peter Sarkisian 
Title of work: Extruded Video Engine #5
Media: Vaccum-formed thermal plastic and video projection
Date: 2007

1.   Description – A bunch of bolts.

2.   Formal analysis – Color is used becasue they use a lot of different neon lighting, texture is used on the bolts to make each one look and feel different, forms is used because the bolts look 3D, movement because all the bolts are moving in different directions, and variety because there are all different kinds of bolts.

3.  Bracketing - For some reason this piece of art reminds me of a cars motor.

4.  Interpretation - I feel the artisit is just trying  to create something unique and really doesn't have a meaning.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Movie Blogs

Leonardo da Vinci: The Mind of the Renaissance

1. I picked this movie because I love Leonardo da Vinci's art works.

2. Key concepts of this movie are Leonardo da Vinci was a painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, and student of hydrodynamics, anatomy, physiology, botany, articture, and aeronauties.

3. The video relates to the text because the text also talks about Leonardo da Vinci. The video just goes into more detail about him.

4. I liked this video. This video added depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts because the video talked in great detail from his birth in Tuscany to his final years in Clocx. The book just skims over these things.

The Drawings of Michelangelo

1. I picked this video because  I love Michelangelo's art work.

2. Key concepts of this video are Michelangelo was a perfectionist and he threw a lot of his paintings out if he felt they were not good enough.

3. The video relates to the text because the text just mentions some of these things, the video goes into greater detail.

4. I liked this video. The video adds depth to the understanding of the readings and art concepts because it goes into greater detail about Michelangelo's tools, techniques, stylistic evolution, and sexuality.

La Primavera

1. I selected this video because Sandro Botticelli art work intrigues me.

2. The key concept of this video is La Primavera was the most debated works in the history of western arts.

3. The video talks about Sandro Botticelli's La Primavera and the book only talks about his art work The Birth of Venus. Gives us a better look at who really is Sandro Botticelli.

4. I liked this video and the music it had. It made the video fun. This video adds depth to the understanding of the readings and art concepts because it talks about his other works. The book only talks about one of his paintings.

The Night Watch (Rembrandt)

1. I picked this video because I wanted to learn more about Rembrandt.

2. Key concepts of this video are The Night Watch was a painting portraying a private elite militia. Rembrant's innovation was to paint individual portraits within the context of a larger activity.

3. The video relates to the text because both talk about The Night Watch painting.

4. I liked this film. It added depth to the undertstanding of the reading and art concepts because it went into a greater detail of how and why Rembrandt created this painting.

Handing Drawings

1. What was it like using your hand as subject matter for a drawing?
- Actually it was quite easy because it is attached to you:)

2. What media did you select - pencil or charcoal? Why?
- I chose a pencil because I find it easier to work with. It has a point, easier to hold, and easy to erase mistakes.

3. How did it feel to create a drawing with your non-dominant hand?
-It was hard to do the drawing with my non-dominant hand. It felt very ackward. I kept wanting to switch hands.

4. Compare and contrast your final drawings. Do you think they are successful studies?
- I think my drawings were a successful study. My dominant hand one though is better looking. The lines are more defined than my non-dominant one. My non-dominant one the lines are like kind of all over the place. But with both pictures you can tell what they are.

5. Would you consider using your non-dominant hand to create artwork in the future?
- Not really unless it is asked. It just feels to funny. I would rather draw with my dominant hand.

My Hand Drawings Enjoy!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Peer Review

Reviewed Emily Krolewicz

Project # 1 -

My comment to Emily

I liked your pictures. I would have never thought to use a playground for some of the elements/principles and I have a playground in my backyard lol. I especially liked your unity picture of the boat in the water with the sunset background, it was beautiful. You can feel the harmony and calmness.

1. I agreed with all of her elements and principles. I thought she did a really nice job. In the image for color she used a bush and that could also be used for texture and in the image for shape that could be used for color as well.

Project # 2 -

My comment to Emily

What art gallery did you go to? They had a lot more pieces of art on video monitors and video projections than the Albright Knox did when I went there. I especially love Stenia's piece "Tokyo 4". I feel like I can feel the movements and I could guess what kind of music that was playing. I love the kind of art that you can feel just by looking at it.

2. We did not have the same images, I believe we went to two different galleries.

Reviewed Jessica Marchetti

Project # 1 -

My comment to Jessica

I liked your pictures. I thought they were unique and out of the box thinking. I loved your picture of emphasis with the big strawberry and the cheerios, unity with the fish kissing, texture with your daughter, and movement with your dog. They were all super cute and all fit the elements and principles.

1. I liked all her pictures. I agreed with all her principles and elements.  In the image for unity with the fish that could also be for balance and in the image for line that could be for texture as well.

Project # 2 -

My comment to Jessica

Did we go to the same art gallery because the Carcuss was at the Albright Knox and thats the only picture I recognize. Did I miss a whole section because a lot of these pictures I don't remember seeing lol.I love the print by Laurie Simmons, “Magnum Opus II (the Bye-Bye) it reminds me too of Toy Story it is so cute. I also loved the painting by Jehan Georges Vibert, “The Marvelous Sauce” because I love spagetti and I love to watch the Real Housewives of New Jersey and they always are talking about making sauce lol.

2. We both used the painting of the Carcuss and the reasons were the same "why would someone want to paint this?"

3. The one image that really pique my interest is Stenia "Tokyo 4". I would really like to know the history on this piece. This piece just gives me a certain vibe maybe because I like music and dance. I would really like to see this in person and experience it.

4. I love to review other people's work and get there prespective. I like that we all interpret things differently and that was shown in the elements and princples project. I find the comments to be helpful because I like constructive critism. If I could make something better I would want to know and if someone liked something I did I would want to know as well:)

I was finally able to comment on people's post but then after it said it was published and I left the page, if I went back to the page the comment was gone so I don't understand. This was very fustrating. So I put the comments I made on this blog and I am posting the pictures to show that I did try to comment on the pages but it didn't save to the page. So I took a picture of the comment on the persons page before I left the page.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Video Blog

More Human Than Human

1. The key concepts of this video is why do people draw, paint, sculpt unrealistic human bodies. This is been happening for over 30,0000 years, is it because of our instinct, our culture, our beliefs in god, or is it that humans don't like reality, we like to exaggerate. There still is no clear answer but these are things to consider when thinking about this topic.

2. This relates to the reading because in chapter 14 it talks about ancient art and about the human bodies and how they are represented.

3. This fim was good but I feel I am still left with questions and it is fustrating but these are questions everyone is stuck with and there are just going be no answers because this stuff happened 30,000 years ago.

The Measure of All Things: Greek Art and the Human Figure

1. I picked this video because I wanted to know more about greek art and the human figure. Since the human video left me with questions I thought maybe this video could answer some of them or give me a better understanding.

2. The key concepts of this video are that the Greeks were obsessed with the human body and that it had to be perfect with well defined muscles. The Greeks moved to realism in the 6th century B.C. The sculptures were 3D, had movement to them, and in individualized forms. To the Greeks though the man is the measure of all things and the center of culture activity. So there were more sculptures of men and in 776 B.C. the first Olympic games was played and only men could participate. This also helped the Greeks perfect the man form.  What we got out of  the Greeks is the ideal perfect form, the perfect human being, and ideal beauty.

3. This video related to the reading because it talked about Greek sculptures and just gave more background of why they sculpt what they sculpt.

4. I think the film was okay. I didn't feel it went in greater depth than the book, it just gave more interesting facts.

A World Inscibed: The Illuminated Manuscript

1. I picked this video because I thought it would be interesting to learn more about scribing.

2. The key concepts of this video are that the monks did most of the manuscripts by hand. They felt that by each word they wrote no matter what sins they had they would be forgiven. The monks would celebrate when they finished a manuscript because it took a long time to do so. It was very painful to scribe it hurt your back, crushed your ribs, and extinguish light from your eyes. Writing manuscripts became a career for many people unttil the printing press.

3. This video related to the book because it just added more facts than the book had.

4. This film was good. I liked it because it gave more depth to how books were written and how it was a painful thing to do. It wasn't easy.

Art and Life in the Middle Ages: The Luttrell Psalter

1. I picked this video because I thought it would be interesting to know more about Psalm Book of Sir Geoffrey Luttrell.

2. This video is about the Psalm Book of Sir Geoffrey Luttrell. There are scenes of the bible in it and it talks about people's everyday life, plants, animals, and birds. There are also werid monsters in the book and no one knows why. It remains a mystery. The pictures in this book are colorful and beautiful.

3. This video relates to the reading because it has to do with the middle ages and show many pictures of what they did in the middle ages.

4. I liked this film. The pictures and the history that is told is very interesting.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Installation Art

1. Installation Art is an entire room or similar space that is treated as a work of art to be entered and experienced.

2. Any kind of materials can be used in installation art. Ideas are endless.

3. Installation art is created so people have another way to express themselves and a way for people to go an actually enter, explore, and experience art.

4. The installation piece that I was interested in was actually by Thomas Hirschhorn, the Jumbo Spoons and Big Cake because A I love cake and I liked the whole concept.

My Installation Art

1. Thomas Hirschhorn has inspired me for my installation.

2. The theme I am exploring in my installation is my environment.

3. My material is every day kitchen and cookware like utensils, oven, microwave, refridgerator, toaster, countertop, sink, dishes, pots, pans, and dishwasher.

4. My installation art is site specific. My location is 40 McNaughton Avenue, Cheektowaga, NY 14225 because it is my kitchen. The kitchen is where I display my art, I create art, and where my family comes together to create art. I feel making food is an art.

Here is my installation art:. Hope You Enjoy:)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Video 2

Architecture: The Science of Design

1. The key concepts that I learned from this video are that highrises and skyscrapers are made fron concrete and steel, the height of the buildings are concerning because of wind, preciptation, and snow. I didn't know that the shape of the building affects people on the ground. If a building is flat on top and as a right angle it is going to be more windy on the ground. So architectures tend to put more trees around the building to help prevent that. I thought that was quite neat to know. There are houses that are called intelligent houses I thought those were just in movies but I guess they exist. They are so neat. You can set them up to wake you up in the morning, start your shower, heat your towels, start the coffee, and even fax your mail during times that would save you money. Concerte is very important when building. There are all different kinds of concerte.  Concerte is made up of sand, pebbles, and broke stone mixed with water, now this concerte you would use as the support system underneath a building. Portland Concerte which is made up of limestone, silica, lumina, and iron you would use on top of the ground, the actual building itself. There are also man other forms of concerte such as prestressed concerte and reinforced concerte. I am glad I don't build because it is all a little confusing. lol
2. This video relates to the reading because it helps explain how buildings are built and what influences the shpae of a building.

3. I like the video. I like to see how things are built and to know the reasons why they are built the way they are.

Last Call for Planet Earth: Sustainable Development and Architecture
1. The key concepts that I learned from this video are that our planet is in danger of global warming. People need to be aware of this and try to change the way they live to help sustain the economy. Ways to help this are to change the way buildings are built. Buildings need to be built in away that allows light, heat, and water to come in naturally without using a lot of energy.
2. This  video relates to the readings because it talkes about architecture and the way it can help the world.
3. I like this film but it also scares me because people do think going green is just a fad but it is something we need to do to save the world.
4. I picked this film because I wanted to know more about the world and things to do to help make it a better place. Also to know what is affecting the plant in a negative way.


Through the Eyes of the Sculptor

1. The key concepts that I learned in this video are that to be a good sculptor you really need to start at a very young age, it takes 5-7 people to create a sculpture, and sculptors will go to great lengths to get the right kind of marble like go to the corey themselves and get it. Sculpting is a passion and it takes a lot of patience and time to create. A fun fact that I learned and I find neat is that marble is 99.9% calcite carbonite and all pieces are reusable. Marble is grounded into powder and is used in food, paper, paint, cosmetics, toothpaste, and pharmacuticals. Makes me rethink what I eat or use. lol

2. The video relate to the reading because it showed the methods and materials of sculpting like modeling, casting, and carving.

3. I liked the video. It gave me a better understanding of sculpting. I learn better when I read and then I watch something. It just ties everything together. This video added depth because they went into the steps to become a sculptor , process on how they carve the sculptures, and how the sculptor picks there marble as well.

Glass and Ceramics

1. The key concepts that I learned from this video are is glass is everywhere in the world. Glass is made from sand. Glass protects us from light, noise and temperatures. Glass is used in architeture and in music. Glass buildings are new and being built everywhere in the world and they have aesthetic quality. For music glass walls help alter music to sound better or different. Also there are stain glass windows that help tell stories. There is all different kinds of glass to protect people like laminate glass and temper glass because if glass breaks it can harm you so with these different kinds of glass they either don't break or they break in tiny pieces so they can't hurt you. Ceramics are composed of clay, felsphar, and quartz. They are mixed with water to make vases or plates and then glazed to make shiny and water proof. There are many other purposes for ceramics like in cars, electricity, false teeth, and in the medical field.

2. The video relates to the reading because it just reinforces everything you read in the chapter and gives you  a better understanding when you watch the video. It makes more sense when you are actually watching people make it.

3. I like the video. It goes more into depth when you are watching step by step how glass and ceramics items are made.

 Installation Art

1. The key concepts that I have learned from this video is  installation art is what defines the space. Installaton art is about interaction and experience. It takes a long time to set up an installation piece. You can do so many different things with installation art like in the video they had a room filled with pokadots, a bedroom with people doing a pillow fighting, and videos on a wall with different pictures. Also with installation art there are sight specific installations where art cannot exist without that specific location like the artist that made a building the installation art and had a rotating window. That was neat but without that location the art would not exist.

2. The video related to the reading by giving the same definition of what installation art was. The video just gave a lot more examples of installation art to give you a better understanding of what it is and how to create it.

3. I liked this video because it gave you a better understanding of what installation art was and they told you how to create it. The examples they gave in the video I felt were better then in the book.