African Art
1. I picked this video because after reading the text I was greatly interested in it.
2. Key concepts are that African art played a big role in the way people lived. It was part of there daily life, strong asthetic sense, and making of everyday utensils. Art also influenced the way they dressed, did there hair, danced, masks they wore, and the sounds they made. These were also part of there rituals. Everything they made was out of wood and straw. Africans also did a lot of rock art.
3. The videos related to the reading because it gave more visuals to what the book was saying which gave you a better understanding.
4. I liked the film. It went more into depth about African rock art.
1. I picked this video because I was intrigued in Buddhism.
2. Key concepts are that Buddhism began in India. Buddhism is about sharing in the enlightenment and wanted people to find there own way but wanted to guide and mentor people down there path of right living. Buddha was looked at as a saint, savor, and spirit. The Great Stupa at Sanchi is carved with the Buddha's life but the Buddha is never in the form of a man. He is only in forms of spirits.
3. The videos relate to the text by giving more visuals about what the book is talking about.
4. I liked this film. It goes into great depth about The Great Stupa and it is so next to see all the fine details in it.
1. I picked this video because I really do not know a lot about Hinduism.
2. Key concepts are Hinduism is exotic and mysterious. Varanasi is the most holy place of Hinduism. Hinduism believes in life, death, and rebirth. Also they have a great # of gods and goddesses. Hinduism does not focus on temples but they do on the details on them. It was neat to see Hinduism rituals for funerals. They decorate the body in tons of colors, dip it in water, and than burn it. By burning it the flames liberate the body and set the spirit free. It is nice in thought but to watch it is a little creepy I will say that. Hinduism is also big on rock art and cave art.
3. This video relates to the text because it gives visuals to what the text is talking about.
4. I liked this film. It added depth to my understanding a great deal. It talked about art and rituals.
The Great Wave (Japanese Art)
1. I picked this video because I have seen this art work and was intrigued by it.
2. Key concepts are The Great Wave is so popular. It is used everywhere in Japan on clothes, political cartoons, food, spray painted on walls, tattoos, and museums. Hokusai is very famous for his drawings, paintings, and prints. He was retired when his wife died and his son gambled all his money away so he then had to find away to make money. He created The Great Wave. It is an enormous wave over powering a boat full of people and Mount Fugi. It is neat to hear what everyone's interpretation is of this piece of art. One said it is like the climax scene of a movie, animalistic, and another said scary and unreal. I like what the Japanses interpretation is which is it is a symbol of courage and perserverance. The ore men need to speed it up and over power the wave. I like that. Thats what I interpret as well.
3. This video relates to the text because it gives you a visual of what the text is speaking of.
4. I think I liked this film the best. I thought it is just really an interesting piece of art and the picture and meaning are so powerful. It added depth to what Japan's art is about.
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