Sunday, July 10, 2011

Peer Review

Reviewed Emily Krolewicz

Project # 1 -

My comment to Emily

I liked your pictures. I would have never thought to use a playground for some of the elements/principles and I have a playground in my backyard lol. I especially liked your unity picture of the boat in the water with the sunset background, it was beautiful. You can feel the harmony and calmness.

1. I agreed with all of her elements and principles. I thought she did a really nice job. In the image for color she used a bush and that could also be used for texture and in the image for shape that could be used for color as well.

Project # 2 -

My comment to Emily

What art gallery did you go to? They had a lot more pieces of art on video monitors and video projections than the Albright Knox did when I went there. I especially love Stenia's piece "Tokyo 4". I feel like I can feel the movements and I could guess what kind of music that was playing. I love the kind of art that you can feel just by looking at it.

2. We did not have the same images, I believe we went to two different galleries.

Reviewed Jessica Marchetti

Project # 1 -

My comment to Jessica

I liked your pictures. I thought they were unique and out of the box thinking. I loved your picture of emphasis with the big strawberry and the cheerios, unity with the fish kissing, texture with your daughter, and movement with your dog. They were all super cute and all fit the elements and principles.

1. I liked all her pictures. I agreed with all her principles and elements.  In the image for unity with the fish that could also be for balance and in the image for line that could be for texture as well.

Project # 2 -

My comment to Jessica

Did we go to the same art gallery because the Carcuss was at the Albright Knox and thats the only picture I recognize. Did I miss a whole section because a lot of these pictures I don't remember seeing lol.I love the print by Laurie Simmons, “Magnum Opus II (the Bye-Bye) it reminds me too of Toy Story it is so cute. I also loved the painting by Jehan Georges Vibert, “The Marvelous Sauce” because I love spagetti and I love to watch the Real Housewives of New Jersey and they always are talking about making sauce lol.

2. We both used the painting of the Carcuss and the reasons were the same "why would someone want to paint this?"

3. The one image that really pique my interest is Stenia "Tokyo 4". I would really like to know the history on this piece. This piece just gives me a certain vibe maybe because I like music and dance. I would really like to see this in person and experience it.

4. I love to review other people's work and get there prespective. I like that we all interpret things differently and that was shown in the elements and princples project. I find the comments to be helpful because I like constructive critism. If I could make something better I would want to know and if someone liked something I did I would want to know as well:)

I was finally able to comment on people's post but then after it said it was published and I left the page, if I went back to the page the comment was gone so I don't understand. This was very fustrating. So I put the comments I made on this blog and I am posting the pictures to show that I did try to comment on the pages but it didn't save to the page. So I took a picture of the comment on the persons page before I left the page.

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